East Cameron Folkcore

East Cameron Folkcore

USA 16.7.2016 / 17:45 - 18:45
Drive stage

A Destructive tornado of indie folk, americana, hardcore, post-punk, celtic music and gospel.

Lyrics radically severed from cheap militant leftism reflecting utter fury and dismay about the events going on around us. For them music is a medium for uniting people, a way to help us accept that things have really started to go pear-shaped before breaking the news that George Orwell’s vision is no longer restricted to the realms of sci-fi. All the way from Austin Texas and led by singer, guitarist and composer Jesse Moore, the members of this eight-piece outfit are a far cry from traditional folk, citing influences as far ranging as Gustav Mahler, Bruce Springsteen, John Cage and Black Flag. Expect guitars, banjos, cellos, keyboards, brass, mandolins, percussion not to mention plenty of clenched fists.